Prediction of mechanical response for 5000-Series aluminum alloy coupling visco-plastic self-consistent approach with finite element method.
In the present work, a hybrid micro macro-approach was adopted to investigate the material behavior of the A5XXX-O object of the Benchmark 3 of Numisheet2018. Starting from the provided uniaxial stress-strain curve and in house microstructure measurements, a mean field approach, by using the VPSC7c code, was used to perform numerical experiments in order to derive the anisotropic macroscopic behavior of the aluminum alloy. Then, at the macroscale, a constitutive model was built on coupling a non-quadratic yield surface function with a damage model developed in the framework of the continuum damage mechanics. Finally, by using MSC.Marc2017.1, finite element simulations of uniaxial and Nakajima bulging tests were performed with the purpose of obtaining the Fracture Forming Limit Curve for the aluminum alloy under investigation.